Lunar New Year at The Bellagio

Magic, wonder, and the smell of fresh roses fills the air on a crisp morning at the Lunar New Year display presented by the Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Gardens. “It’s beautiful” a horticulture professional whispers to his colleague as they gaze upward in awe of their meticulously detailed and perfected work. The mood in the Conservatory this particular morning is palpably cheerful and optimistic. The Year of the Snake is said to bring intuition, creativity, and wisdom to the forefront. The exhibit explores these themes and more with a breathtaking visual display of artistry and engineering that begs a second look and a deeper meaning.

Sunlight pours into the Conservatory cascading over the snakes featured at the entrance.

A panda created entirely with black and white roses holds Lunar New Year envelopes.

Although prominence is clearly given to the Year of the Snake with the entrance to the Conservatory boasting two enormous and artistically contrasting snakes, the inclusion of panda in various arrangements cannot be overlooked. It is quite difficult to take your eyes off of the gigantic cuddly creatures with their jubilant expressions. Pandas, usually in pairs, are around every corner. Whether they are climbing, holding Lunar New Year envelopes, or just looking adorable, these pandas welcome visitors to delight in peace and hope for the new year. Upon closer inspection, the innumerable white and black roses that comprise the pandas are not only beautiful but also rich with symbolism for the year ahead. Rather conveniently, information cards at each display provide insight to the vision behind the artistry. The black and white colors of the panda represents yin and yang. A year cannot go by without a mix of contrasting experiences. The beauty that is created by finding balance is outwardly expressed by the pandas and their friendly and joyful nature. Ultimately, finding balance is the goal. The panda is a lovely visual representation of this concept.

Giant pieces of intricately painted china surrounded by cherry blossoms adorn The Garden Table.

One particularly striking aspect of the Lunar New Year display is The Garden Table. The traditional tea house design is the perfect spot for groups of up to six for brunch and four for dinner. With each seasonal display, the menu changes as well. For Lunar New Year 2025, it is only fitting that Noodles is the mastermind behind the specially curated menu. If you are lucky enough to secure a reservation at the table, you’ll be treated to dim sum for brunch or a prosperity set for dinner. Either way, you are guaranteed a memorable and truly stunning dining experience.


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